Attend Discover Grace to learn about our vision, values, and how to plug in. It's the best place to start at Grace Gospel. Discover Grace Gospel is offered every couple months.
If after attending Discover Grace you want to consider becoming a Member, attend Part I & II of our Membership Class.
Identify and commit to a place to serve inside Grace. You can learn and sign up for opportunities here.
Sign up for a Community Group or let us know that you've formed a group organically with other Grace members. Find more information here.
Our mission is to make gospel-saturated followers of Jesus.
We envision Grace to be a gospel-saturated community, bringing hope in a broken world through personal transformation and authentic relationships.
We are a community on mission and part of a gospel movement to manifest God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Therefore, we don’t exist for ourselves; we exist for God’s Kingdom and God’s glory. We are a community called to worship, formed through relationships and sent on mission.