Plan Your Visit

Who We Are

At Grace Kids, we love Jesus, and we love your kids. We believe each child is a precious gift from God. Through our Kid’s Ministry program, every Wednesday and Sunday we provide a safe and fun environment for your child to learn about the love of Jesus and grow into a person who shares that love with others, while you gather with our church family for worship. 


We encourage you to arrive 15 minutes early on Sundays and Wednesdays to go through the check-in process, that way you don’t miss any of the worship service. When you arrive, there are 4 rooms available for your children depending on their age and/or grade.
Nursery (0-2)
Grace Kids Nursery is a warm, caring environment for infants up until their 3rd birthday. Our nursery has been safely outfitted to meet the unique needs of your child during these developmental years. We love to keep your little one safe and comfortable while you worship, learn, and grow. 
Preschool (3-4)
Preschool through 5th graders experience an engaging time of worship and then break into their classroom. In our Toddler room we provide an active, hands-on learning experience filled with singing, dancing, teaching, colorful crafts, and lots of laughter as your child learns that God made me, Jesus loves me and I have a friend in Him forever. 
Lower Elementary (K-1st grade)
Preschool through 5th graders experience an engaging time of worship before breaking up into classrooms where they connect with others, learn from leaders who love Jesus, and dive deeper into God’s truths. Throughout these formative years, your child will explore a chronological order study of the bible beginning at the school year. 
Upper Elementary (2nd- 5th grade)
Preschool through 5th graders experience an engaging time of worship before breaking up into classrooms where they connect with others, learn from leaders who love Jesus, and dive deeper into God’s truths. Throughout these formative years, your child will explore a chronological order study of the bible beginning at the school year.


If your child has asked questions about the Gospel or has been curious about baptism and you need a hand with how to respond, look no further. At Grace Kids, we have a desire to partner with you as you raise your child to know and love Jesus Christ. Click below for resources pertaining to the Gospel and our booklet on baptism. Always know that we are here for you and praying for you in each new step and season.


Commonly Asked Questions & Answers

How do I enter the Grace Kid's Ministry?
Our Family Entrance is located behind the church in the large parking lot. 
This is my child’s first time attending. What’s our first step?
Welcome! We’re so excited to meet you and your child. Your first step will be to register at our Check-In Kiosks. We’ll be there to create your account in our secure check-in system, answer any questions, and escort you to your child’s Grace Kids environment located in the lower level of the building. 
What are your safety policies?
We have safety policies in place from check-in to pick-up and would be happy to answer any questions you have about keeping your child safe. Here’s a brief overview to get us started:
Our environments are secured before, during, and after services by security personnel who only permit appropriately identified individuals (kids, parents with a Pick-up Tag, and approved volunteers) into our ministry.

Every Grace Kids volunteer completes a certification process and undergoes child safety training before being permitted to serve in this ministry. This process includes a background check, status as a member of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church.
Restroom Policy & 3-Person Rule
  • It is encouraged that parents take their children to the restroom prior to entering service or dropping their children off in the children’s ministry classroom.
  • Grace Kids volunteers will wait outside the door for the child to finish, being assisted with words if necessary.
  • Grace Kids volunteers will instruct the children to wash their hands when finished.
  • It is Grace Kid’s policy that an adult is NEVER to be alone with a child. We follow the 3 Person Rule = 2 leaders with 1 child.
  • Our Grace Kid's volunteers and Security team members regularly communicate about when children need to use the restroom, when a parent needs to be notified, etc.
  • If your child needs you at any point during service, your tag number (series of numbers & letters) will be shown on the screen during service. Please check your tag number if you ever see one on the screen.
Will my child be provided snacks? What about food allergies?
In all Grace Kids classrooms, we serve animal crackers and water. If your child has allergies, we provide a sticker with a red dot during Check-In to alert our Grace Kids volunteers. You will place this sticker on your child’s printed name tag and write the allergy on our sign in sheets next to your child’s name. We do provide alternative snacks for children with dairy, soy and milk allergies (fruit snacks).
Can I bring snacks for my child? Or a bottle for my baby?
We generally prefer to not accept outside food into our environments. This helps to ensure a safe and healthy place for our kids. Should you need to provide a specific food item for your child, please contact: 
Grace Kids Director, Ginger Couch
What’s your wellness policy?
For the protection of all children and our Grace Kids volunteers, we request that parents do not leave a child who appears ill in our Grace Kids environments. Children who display symptoms including. high fever, vomiting, pink eye, thick nasal discharge, etc. will not be received in our environments. If a Grace Kids volunteer determines your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, your tag number (series of numbers & letters) will be shown on the screen during service. Please check your tag number if you ever see one on the screen. All environments are frequently sanitized. Thank you for working with us to keep all of our kids and volunteers safe and healthy. 
My child uses an epi-pen or another medication. How does that work?
If your child has a medical condition that requires them to bring an epi-pen, insulin kit, or any other form of medication with them into their environment, please let the Grace Kids Director know. They will work with you to set up a plan that provides the best experience for your child.
What if my child is unable to stay in the environment?
If for any reason your child is unable to stay in their environment, your tag number (series of numbers & letters) will be shown on the screen during service. Please check your tag number if you ever see one on the screen. 
How do I know if my elementary-aged child is ready for baptism? How can I help them take this next step in their faith?
If your child has believed in Jesus and accepted God’s plan, baptism could be the next step. There’s no set age, but your child should understand salvation and baptism in their own words. Be patient and ask questions to hear what they think. When they know about their sin and need God’s forgiveness, they’re ready. Please contact our Grace Kids Ministry Director for next steps. We’re excited to walk with you and your child on this journey!
What is parent-child dedication?
Child dedication is a commitment to raise your child in the ways of the Lord. This dedication is not a statement of salvation for your child, but rather a statement of how you will raise your child. While not a command of Scripture, baby dedication can be a symbol – similar to a wedding band – of your desire to obediently raise your child in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord. It should be done with a community of believers who know you personally and can commit to walking with you in this commitment.

Throughout the year, we offer opportunity for young children to be dedication to God by their families. We typically have child dedication services two times a year. The dedication ceremony is a symbolic way for parents to offer the child to God and recognize that as parents, they are stewards of the child's life. It also acknowledges the parent's intent to raise the child in a God-honoring manner.
As a part of this dedication, you as a parent commit to:
  • Publicly affirm your personal faith in Christ as renew your dedication to Him and His Word.
  • Pray for God's direction in your lives and in the lives of your children
  • Faithfully participate in a Christian community as a family
  • Teach your children the Truths of God's word
  • Anticipate and seek to lead your children to a personal faith in Christ
The next child dedication ceremony is TBD. Please contact Ginger Couch at
Interested in serving with our Kids Ministry? 
Please contact Grace Kids Director, Ginger Couch  



Teach chronological order study of the bible to ages nursery to 5th grade.

Classroom Assistant

Assist Teacher and students during lessons.


Assist Teachers and Assistants.

Check In

Assist families with children while entering Grace Kids environment.

Event Volunteer

Assisting us at events hosted by Grace Gospel Fellowship.


Grace Kids Ministry
Grace Kids Check-in


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